Minimally-Invasive, Endoscopic Spine Surgery

A next-generation approach to minimally-invasive lumbar and thoracic spine surgery now being offered at Campbell Clinic is benefiting patients across the Mid-South. To learn more, click one of the patient resource sections below.

Endoscopic Spine surgery is a groundbreaking procedure that allows a surgeon to access the spinal column through a small port placed through an incision less than one centimeter in length. Through the port, a physician uses small tools to repair damaged or diseased disc tissue.

An endoscope allows direct light-based visualization of the anatomy as well as the tissue being removed. The physician also uses fluoroscopy to guide precise placement of the port and instruments to ensure the appropriate level and corresponding diseased area will be accessed.

As with any procedure performed in an outpatient ambulatory surgery center setting, endoscopic spine surgery carries with it a host of clinical and financial benefits for the patient.

During the procedure, the patient is consciously sedated for their comfort. This means that while the patient is awake throughout the surgery, they cannot feel the discomfort associated with the procedure. This level of sedation allows the surgeon to communicate with the patient during the process to ensure a maximum amount of comfort. After surgery, low-dosage Diprivan is offered so that the patient has no recollection of being awake for the surgery.

Patients are typically discharged shortly after surgery to recover in the comforts of home.

– Smaller incision than traditional spine surgery
– Limited blood loss as compared to lengthier, inpatient procedures
– Better management of intra-operative and post-operative pain
– Preservation of spinal mobility
– Significantly lower risk of deep tissue infection and readmission
– Less disruption of surrounding muscle and tissue
– Fewer limitations after surgery
– Lower cost burden to patient and insurer
– Convenience of same-day surgery

The indications for spine surgery may be multifactorial. We will complete a thorough evaluation using an in-person consultation, as well as sophisticated X-Ray and MRI imaging, to determine the cause of your symptoms and the best course of care.

Some symptoms of disc herniation may include:

– Weakness
– Numbness
– Pain down back of leg

We currently perform the following procedures utilizing the endoscopic approach in the lumbar and thoracic spine:

– Discectomies
– Facet cyst resections
– Foraminal and interlaminar neural decompressions

– 60+ endoscopic procedures performed in 2018
– Major insurances accepted
– Typical duration of surgery: 45-60 minutes
– Patients are typically discharged within an hour of completion of the procedure so they may begin their recovery in the comfort of home
– Dr. Chad Campion is the only surgeon in the Memphis region trained to perform endoscopic spine surgery

Laretta White
Spine Patient Navigator
T: 901.507.7656
E: [email protected]

Meet the Doctor:
Dr. Chad Campion

Dr. Campion’s Campbell Clinic endoscopic spine practice is one of only 12 Joimax centers offering access to this procedure in the United States. To learn more visit:

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