Midtown Surgery Center

255 S. Pauline Street
Memphis, TN 38104

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
5:00a.m. – 4:30p.m.

Main Phone (901) 261-2804

Campbell Clinic’s Midtown Surgery Center is located in the heart of Memphis, TN. As a world-renowned provider of orthopaedic care, the Campbell Clinic surgery center brings the best in technology and expertise to the Mid-South area.

The Midtown surgery center is located in the Medical Corridor of downtown Memphis. Just west of the intersection of Interstate 240 and Union Avenue, take Union to Pauline street and turn south. The surgery center is on the right immediately after you cross Eastmoreland Ave.

Curious about the surgeries we offer and how we can help you? Schedule an appointment at one of our clinic locations today for a physician referral.

For appointments call