Category: Injury Prevention

Staying Healthy and Safe this Holiday Season

The holidays are a time of frequent travel, winter sports and family activities, which also may increase injuries and hospital visits. From falls while hanging up your holiday lights, to straining yourself trying to decorate the tree, more than 68,000 visits to doctors’ offices, emergency rooms, and clinics for injuries related to holiday decorating took […]

St. Jude Memphis Marathon: Recovering After Your Race

Saturday was the St. Jude Memphis Marathon, and we were honored to have been a part of it. This is an event that we look forward to every year, and we were so proud to support dedicated runners of all ages, all with the same goal in mind: ending childhood cancer. We were on-site at […]

Carrying Heavy Bags Can Cause Shoulder and Back Injuries

‘Tis the season for holiday shopping and traveling to visit family! But, did you know that carrying heavier bags can lead to shoulder injuries and back injuries? How does carrying heavy bags cause shoulder injuries? It’s suggested that pre-adolescents regularly carry as much as 10 percent of their body weight in bags, luggage, and other […]

Muscle Strains: Treatment and Prevention

When the muscle becomes overstretched or torn, a strain occurs. While this type of injury can be seen within any muscle in the body, it is most common within the neck, shoulder, lower back and hamstring, which is the muscle behind the thigh. Muscle strains can limit movement and cause pain. It is important to […]

The Importance of Cooling Down

Did you know that the most important function of the post-exercise cool down is to prevent dizziness? The blood vessels in your legs expand when the body goes through vigorous exercise, bringing more blood to your hands and feet. When the body goes from a fast-paced cardio workout, to a sudden state of rest without […]

Common Fall Sports Injuries

According to the National Federation of State High School Associations, just last year, nearly 8 million kids participated in sports. As football returns to our normal weekend routine this fall, so will sports-related injuries. It’s important to prepare properly for sports season, and we’ve listed a few of the common fall injuries and ways to […]

The Benefits of Exercise on Your Joints

Did you know that physical activity can benefit the body in more ways than simply staying fit? Not only can exercise help you to look and feel good; it can also help to improve your joints. Joints need exercise, as they give the body its ability to move. Movement throughout exercise helps to lubricate the […]

Golfer’s Elbow: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Did you know that golfer’s elbow can happen from gripping or swinging clubs incorrectly or too forcefully? Golf isn’t the only sport that can cause this injury. Activities that require repeatedly bending and straightening the elbow can cause golfer’s elbow as well, such as racket sports like tennis and throwing sports like baseball. Causes Golfer’s […]

Exercises for Healthy Shoulders

Did you know that smartphones and tablets can affect your posture? This is due to the hunched-over position that so many of us submit to, along with the natural pull of gravity that causes problems beyond aesthetics. When the shoulders roll forward, so does the upper back and neck. This, in turn, leads to pain […]

Exercise in Older Adults

Did you know that just one out of four people between the ages of 65 and 74 exercise regularly? Some may feel like they’re too out of shape, or too old to exercise. However, that simply isn’t the case. In this blog post, we’re going to break down the questions people typically ask about exercising […]

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