Category: Total Joint Replacement

Physical Therapy Services

Physical therapy is one of the many services provided by Campbell Clinic. Find out more about the services our physical therapists have to offer.

Importance of Healthy Weight

Is losing weight on your list of new year’s resolutions? Losing weight can not only make you feel better about yourself, but it can make you feel healthier, leading to an overall enhanced quality of life.

Tips to a Successful Outpatient Joint Replacement Recovery

Follow these guidelines, along with your doctor’s instructions, to ensure a safe, full recovery from outpatient total joint replacement.

Total Joint Replacement – What You Need to Know

Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics has redefined the total joint replacement experience for patients through its outpatient procedure. Total joint replacement is becoming more and more popular, and with new methods and effective pain management tools, our specialists have been able to decrease the need for inpatient surgery. More than 700,000 knee replacement procedures and more than […]

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